

This is my first post so bare with me. I’m new at this so it make take me a bit to really get this blog going and get it customized to my liking. A new adventure right?? Hope I can get the hang of this quickly and make this blog enjoyable for you to navigate and get to where you want easily and effortlessly.

A little about me….

I am a mom of 3 wonderful children. They are my inspiration for all of this. They want, I make. They need, I make. They like, I make. I make make make lol and I love it!!!

My grandmother taught me to crochet and knit when I was about 8 years old. I loved it from the beginning. However, I did take a LONG break from the craft. I didn’t pick it back up until I became a mom and wanted to create pretties for my babies. Then recently began to publish my patterns, which was super exciting! And now THIS!! Here i go……..